Since my trip in Thailand I haven't stopped thinking how I would love to drive this car in Lfs... You can't imagine how fast these things can go in the traffic!
What's the name of the game where one person stands at a wall facing it, and the others have to run from across the room,
till the person looks back, and they have to be immobile? Then they repeat the process till someone makes it to the wall...
Statue? Stop? Damn international forums...
Anyway, here goes my quote, ''1,2,3 (insert name of the game here)"!
I unlocked S2 the day it was released, on a friends pc (I didn't even have time to go back to my house), 2 hours after my last exam of the year, and 1 hour before I had to leave for the airport to go to my homeland for 3 months of vacation, with no pc and no internet...
Drippings is fine...If prefer not having ass-to-wall contact, which is necessary in my bathtub if you want to lean over to wash them
Although in the summer when its hot and you wear shorts you have to wash your feet too...
That's pretty weird, since I am Bricktop on Rsc, and there isn't any other account that even resembles...
I remember having seen a racer once or twice with the same nickname as mine but that was in demo days, even before S1.
He just means racers online seems very improbable, that there would be a car faster than an F1, actually impossible...we have reached the limit on that side!
A weird thing I got is that I had the improved needles when I had the test patches, but now I'm back to the same old ones?
(I'm talking about the needle with the gap inside just to be clear)
Edit: Forget what I said...I redownloaded the full version and it still the same needles...something must have gone seriously wrong in my directory during the test patches...and I was seeing different needles.